[Oral Presentation]Forecast of load aggregator dispatchable potential for counting and vehicle network interaction - Presentation details

Forecast of load aggregator dispatchable potential for counting and vehicle network interaction
ID:12 Submission ID:128 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-08-11 11:11:12 Hits:286 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2022-11-04 08:50 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S] Power System and Automation [OS3] Oral Session 3

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In the day-ahead market, load aggregators can participate in market-based trading through rational scheduling of EV charging and discharging. This paper investigates the method to predict the dispatchable potential of electrical vehicle (EV) clusters under the vehicle network interaction. Firstly, a Monte Carlo method was used to simulate the charging and discharging load characteristics of EV clusters; secondly, based on the Minkowski summation Virtual Battery (VB) model, a large-scale single EV storage model is converted into a virtual storage cluster to obtain the maximum charging and discharging power and electric energy boundaries of EV clusters at a time, which can be applied by load aggregators to implement different vehicle-grid interaction strategies and to participate in day-ahead market transactions.
Rui Feng
Nanjing Normal University

Submission Author
Rui Feng Nanjing Normal University
zhaokang yan Nanjing Normal University
Ruiqi Lu Nanjing Normal University
Jianwei Xu Nanjing Normal University
Cong Gao Nanjing Normal University
Jingwen Shen Nanjing Normal Universal
Haoran Ge nanjing normal university
Gang Ma Nanjing Normal University
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