[Poster Presentation]A Completely Independent Dynamical System Simulation Platform

A Completely Independent Dynamical System Simulation Platform
ID:95 Submission ID:45 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-08-11 13:56:36 Hits:396 Poster Presentation

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Dynamical system simulation has been widely utilized for test and verification in engineering areas. To provide an independent and controllable dynamical system simulation environment, a platform named DSSim (Dynamical System Simulation) based on Python is proposed. It enables users to build and simulate hierarchical block diagram models in an interactive way. It has two parts. The core simulation framework is responsible for the construction and simulation of block diagrams. Solutions for tasks that helps improve accuracy like system scheduling and continuous system solving are implemented. The core simulation framework also provides interfaces for system customization. The GUI client is an application that allows users to construct models through drag-and-drop and invokes core simulation framework to simulate. It has a loosely coupled architecture that is made up of several plugins. Plugins could expose functionalities to other plugins and monitor other plugins’ behaviors. Currently two plugins are implemented to allow for visualized modeling and interfaces for plugin customization are prepared. An inverted pendulum model and a tokamak vacuum field model are simulated and the results are compared with MATLAB/Simulink to test the platform’s usability.
dynamical system simulation; Python; solver;
睿 甘
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Submission Author
睿 甘 Huazhong University of Science and Technology
玮 郑 华中科技大学
旗平 袁 中科院合肥物质科学研究院
和茹 郭 中国科学院合肥物质研究院等离子体所
恒奔 马 华中科技大学
明 张 华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院
波 饶 华中科技大学
垣 潘 华中科技大学
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