Previous Review on CIYCEE



2020 Website 2021 Website



CIYCEE 2020 was organized by IEEE IAS student branch of Huazhong University of science and technology (HUST), and was held in the school of electrical and electronic engineering, HUST, Wuhan, China from Nov. 2nd to Nov. 4th, 2020. The conference held a total of 30 oral presentation sessions and 10 poster presentation sessions, involving 240 technical papers from more than 50 scientific research institutions in 4 countries, and a total of 15 best papers and 30 best presentations were selected.




CIYCEE 2021 was organized by IEEE IAS student branch of SWJTU from Dec. 12th to Dec. 17th. A total of 397 papers were submitted from many universities at home and abroad, and 286 papers were finally accepted. The conference held a total of 36 oral presentation sessions and 15 poster presentation sessions, and a total of 18 best papers and 30 best presentations were selected.



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