[Oral Presentation]Modeling and Optimization of Electromagnetic Compaction Device for Powder Metallurgy

Modeling and Optimization of Electromagnetic Compaction Device for Powder Metallurgy
ID:86 Submission ID:64 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2022-10-14 14:33:38 Hits:603 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2022-11-04 16:40 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[F] High Magnetic Field Engineering and Fusion Technology » [OS15] Oral Session 15

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Electromagnetic compaction (EMC) has become a new hot spot in powder metallurgy, due to its good balance between high energy impact and controllability required for dynamic compaction. However, the existing research focuses on the experimental analysis of powder densification behavior, while the research on the optimal design of devices is insufficient. In order to promote the application of EMC technology, both the high-performance circuit model and the optimal design method for EMC devices are proposed in this paper. The circuit model is established based on the improved current filament method (ICFM), which combines high precision and low computational cost, and can satisfy the needs of device parameter optimization. The optimal design method is to find the optimal parameters in the feasible domain by the niche genetic algorithm (NGA), and further strengthen the local search ability by the neighborhood search algorithm (NSA). As an example, an EMC device with the impact energy of 3.19 kJ was designed, and the feasibility and superiority of the proposed method were verified.
Electromagnetic compaction device,modeling,optimal design,powder metallurgy
Ronggang Chen
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Submission Author
Ronggang Chen Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Qinglong Zhang Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Heng Liu Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Zhang Tu Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Yiliang Lv Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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