Analysis and Improvement of Line Fault Location in Distribution Systems via Pulse Reflection Method
Submission ID:148 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2022-10-14 21:48:22
Oral Presentation
In this context, pulse reflection method for line fault location in power distribution systems has been studied based on reviewing the transient traveling wave method. Since the location accuracy would be diluted by an uncertain wave velocity of feed line, analytical deductions have been conducted to eliminate the wave velocity. Therein, transmission properties have also been considered. Moreover, electrical circuit models have been established in MATLAB Simulink, and the simulations have verified the analytical results. In addition, as for the fault location in the case of long-distance and high-loss lines, wider initial pulses need to be applied, the influence and solution for such case has been analyzed and caught out either. Both theoretical and simulating results demonstrate that the traditional pulse reflection method has been improved.
Fault locating; Fault line; Pulse reflection method; Transient traveling wave;Distribution network
Submission Author
Li Chen
State Grid Fujian Economic Research Institute
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