[Keynote speech]The Research on development of LTS and HTS CICC for Fusion Reactor

The Research on development of LTS and HTS CICC for Fusion Reactor
ID:197 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2022-10-31 14:09:57 Hits:616 Keynote speech

Start Time:2022-11-03 15:10 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[P] Plenary Session » [P2] Keynote speech 2

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From EAST to ITER and the recent promoted CFETR, ASIPP has made well-known outstanding achievements in the development of nuclear fusion energy tokamak, especially in the design and manufacture of cable-in-conduit conductors (CICC). A series of scientific research achievements and a lot of engineering experience have been accumulated.
ASIPP establish the first full superconducting tokamak with a maximum magnetic field of 5.8T. Its magnet is made of NbTi CICC. Since 2006, ASIPP is responsible for the manufacture of 6 kinds of conductors including NbTi and Nb3Sn CICC for ITER. For the recently designed CFETR in China, the central solenoid coil for CFETR is expected to operate in a magnetic field about 17.2 T and a current of 60 kA. This is a challenge for the reactor construction because of the limitation of the low temperature superconducting (LTS) materials, such as Nb3Sn. High temperature superconducting (HTS) materials have the potential to generate a magnetic field beyond the level obtainable with LTS materials. In order to achieve the magnet field of CFETR, the research on ReBCO and Bi2212 CICC was developed at ASIPP.
In this presentation, the research of development on LTS CICC and new research on HTS CICC were reported. The recent results obtained for HTS CICC will be introduced as main contents, including the 21T YBCO insert coil with world record, the word first Bi2212 cable with pre-high and high pressure heat treatment for large-scale HTS coil.
Jinggang Qin
Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS

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