Emerging Technologies for Electric Vehicles
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Updated Time:2022-10-31 13:38:17
Keynote speech
Due to the crisis of energy and environmental pollution, electric vehicles (EVs) without any emission are very demanded and attractive, especially for the novel concept of smart and green city. In this seminar, the novel wireless charging for electric vehicles and new breed of wireless drives will be presented. Firstly, a new magnetic core design will be presented for the 22 kW wireless EV charger with a double D polarized pad. The new laminated Nanocrystalline ribbon core can help to enhance the magnetic saturation point, reduce the core loss, improve the thermal robustness, and compact the system size. Then, a new breed of motor drive will be introduced as wireless motor drives. By applying selective wireless power transfer and proper compensation network, the wireless motor drives enjoy the merits of converterless, batteryless, controllerless, and power equalization at the motor side.
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